25 May How To Better Manage Your INGROWN TOENAILS
Ingrown toenails are painful and usually require the attention of a podiatrist. Here are some tips to get you on the right track!
- Inspect toe daily. If the surrounding tissue is red, swollen, extremely painful, pus-filled or has a bad smell, it may be infected. Don’t try and treat yourself, see your podiatrist or doctor as you may need antibiotics.
- Use a saltwater foot soak. Soak your painful toe in luke-warm salty water daily to help relieve pain and swelling.
- After soaking feet, dry toe with a soft flannel, apply betadine and non-adhesive dressing (Island dressing).
- Keep toe clean and dry to prevent infection. Never leave a wet dressing on a toe as bacteria will grow.
- Protect the toe by using a tubifoam pad or thick/spongy dressing (your podiatrist and some chemists will have these). Don’t encircle digit too tightly as this may reduce circulation to the toe.
- Speak to your pharmacist about paracetamol for the pain. Ibuprofen may encourage bleeding.
- Avoid shoes that apply pressure to the toe. Wear wide toe box shoes or sandals.
- Don’t cut the edges of the nail too far down the side as you may leave a spike that will grow forward into the skin. Your podiatrist will use STERILE instruments to do this.
PLEASE feel free to email or call us if you have any questions about your toenail. Alternatively, book a FREE 15minute consultation and we can take a peek for you and advise on the best treatment plan for you #problemsolved